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Mother's Day Limited Edition Bouquet (available from May 8-May 12, 2024)


Surprise your mom with the beauty of Korean-style floral arrangements this Mother's Day with our Mother's Pearl Rose Bouquet. This exquisite bouquet features stunning Mother's Pearl roses, carefully selected for their soft, delicate petals and sweet fragrance.


Our florists skillfully arrange the roses along with other complementary blooms, creating a striking composition that is both elegant and charming. This bouquet is a perfect representation of the Korean floral style, with its emphasis on simplicity, balance, and beauty.


Each stem of Mother's Pearl rose is selected and arranged with care, making this bouquet a one-of-a-kind creation that is sure to make your mother feel cherished and loved.


Send a beautiful message of appreciation and gratitude to your mom with our Mother's Pearl Rose Bouquet. Order now and let us help you make this Mother's Day an unforgettable one.


(Medium size shown on the picture)


Mother of Pearl Bouquet

PriceFrom $129.00
Excluding Sales Tax |
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